Map - Carloforte

Carloforte (U Pàize in Ligurian, literally: the village, the town) is a fishing and resort town located on Isola di San Pietro (Saint Peter's Island), approximately 7 km off the southwestern coast of Sardinia, in the Province of South Sardinia, Italy.

According to a legend, a local church (Chiesa dei Novelli Innocenti) was founded in the early 14th century in honour of hundreds of participants to the so-called Children's Crusade of 1212 who perished in a shipwreck just off the island on their way to North Africa during a gale. The church, called Chiesa dei Novelli Innocenti and is located within the town perimeter, is not currently used as a church (only one time in the year); it was the only evident remainder of building found at the time of colonization in 1739.

Carloforte was founded in the 18th century by around 30 families of coral fishers, originally from the Ligurian town of Pegli, near Genoa. They had left their hometown in 1541, and had settled in the island of Tabarka, off the coast of Tunisia, to fish for coral. After centuries, the coral in that area was exhausted and the families, while setting off back to Italy, found there was plenty of coral in the sea off the Sardinian west coast. They asked the King of Piedmont-Sardinia Charles Emmanuel III for permission to settle down on the once uninhabited San Pietro Island instead. When he granted them permission, the island was colonized (1739); the name Carloforte ("Charles the Strong", but also the "Carlo's Fort") was given to the town they then proceeded to found, in the Piedmontese king's honour. To this day, Carloforte maintains strong cultural ties with the mainland towns of Pegli and Genoa: the population still speaks a variety of Ligurian language called tabarchìn (or tabarchino, in Italian), separate from both Italian and Sardinian, which is used even by most children and taught in the island's schools.

Map - Carloforte
Google Earth - Map - Carloforte
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Carloforte
Map - Carloforte - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Carloforte - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Carloforte - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Carloforte - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Carloforte - OpenTopoMap
Map - Carloforte - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Carloforte - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Carloforte - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Carloforte - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Carloforte - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Italy
Flag of Italy
Italy (Italia ), officially the Italian Republic, or the Republic of Italy, is a country in Southern and Western Europe. Located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, it consists of a peninsula delimited by the Alps and surrounded by several islands; its territory largely coincides with the homonymous geographical region. Italy shares land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and the enclaved microstates of Vatican City and San Marino. It has a territorial exclave in Switzerland, Campione. Italy covers an area of 301230 km2, with a population of about 60 million. It is the third-most populous member state of the European Union, the sixth-most populous country in Europe, and the tenth-largest country in the continent by land area. Italy's capital and largest city is Rome.

Italy was the native place of many civilizations such as the Italic peoples and the Etruscans, while due to its central geographic location in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, the country has also historically been home to myriad peoples and cultures, who immigrated to the peninsula throughout history. The Latins, native of central Italy, formed the Roman Kingdom in the 8th century BC, which eventually became a republic with a government of the Senate and the People. The Roman Republic initially conquered and assimilated its neighbours on the Italian peninsula, eventually expanding and conquering a large part of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. By the first century BC, the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin and became a leading cultural, political and religious centre, inaugurating the Pax Romana, a period of more than 200 years during which Italy's law, technology, economy, art, and literature developed.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
EUR Euro € 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Austria 
  •  France 
  •  San Marino 
  •  Slovenia 
  •  Switzerland 
  •  Vatican City 
Administrative Subdivision
City, Village,...